Episode 83: George III #RevNov!
Andrew Roberts, author, The Last King of America
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Was King George III the monster tyrant portrayed by Thomas Jefferson, hated by the Sons of Liberty, and caricatured by the Hamilton! Musical? A disaster of a monarch who frittered away the colonies? Or was he an enlightened King betrayed by incompetent ministers, and unfairly portrayed in American history books for two centuries. what is the truth behind King George III’s forgotten accomplishments and biased stereotypes, innovation and incompetence, politics and pomposity? In this Revolution November finale, host-historians Chris Anderson and Rick Beyer again welcome History Happy Hour alum Andrew Roberts to talk about his bold new biography: The Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III. Drawing on royal records made available for the first time, he invites us to re-consider George in a new light. This Sunday at 4PM ET on History Happy Hour, the spot where history is always on tap.
credit: Ana Kunst