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History Happy Hour

Episode 69: Joseph Kennedy 

Our guest this week is Susan Ronald, author, The Ambassador: Joseph {. Kennedy at the Court of St. James 1938-1940. Here are some other recommendations:

The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Turbulent TImes of Joseph P. Kennedy, David Nasaw – Very highly regarded biography of the senior Kennedy. Nasaw’s book was in the NY Times 10 Best books of 2012 and a 2013 finalist for the Pulitzer.

Those Angry Days, Lynne Olson – Another great book by Olson, this one centered on the debate in the United States leading up to the start of the war.

Citizens of London, Lynne Olson – Looks at how Edward R. Murrow, Averell Harriman and John Gilbert Winant worked to get America involved in the war to defeat HItler. A refreshing counterpoint to Kennedy.

The Kennedy Curse: The Shocking True Story of America’s Most Famous Family, James Patterson – Covers the whole history of the family. If you really want to get down into the Kennedy weeds.

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